cover image: The Political Economy of Migration in Africa


The Political Economy of Migration in Africa

1 Sep 2021

At an estimated 250 million people, migrants make up about 3% of the global population. Clearly, migration is a common phenomenon among human beings who either choose to move or are forced to do so by natural disasters (such as drought, flooding, climate change, and environmental degradation) or human-inflicted factors (such as conflict or wars). Like a moth to a flame, human beings are drawn to environments that are conducive enough to offer them positive or satisfactory opportunities, particularly for economic gains, improved living conditions, personal safety, and professional development or growth. As with others, African migrants are often driven by such factors. Over the years, migration from Africa has been closely associated with exigent external and internal factors. For instance, as African economies shrink under severe global pressures or as natural disasters, bad governance, or conflict/war ensue, some Africans seek to exit from their countries in pursuit of greener pastures in neighboring countries (primarily) and, a lesser extent, beyond in Europe, North America and elsewhere. In essence then, there is a clear and compelling evidence that human mobility and migration are often closely associated with prospects for ample opportunities and huge benefits. Despite its negative impacts on Africa, migration contributes (arguably) to economic development in some countries through substantial amounts of financial inflows or remittances. Cross-border movements of people also contribute not only to information sharing and the associated reductions of informational frictions across countries, but also stimulates bilateral financial flows as migrants create or integrate into pre-existing international business and financial networks -- thereby bolstering business and financial contacts and activities between their home and host countries. This is despite several efforts by the African Union through its regional policy suggestions and migration policy frameworks as captured in: Migration Policy Framework for Africa and Plan of Action 2018-2030. By increasing investments and consumption expenditures of recipient families, remittances also contribute to poverty reduction and improved service procurements for the families in terms of better homes, healthcare services, capital assets (land, houses), education, basic needs (food, clothing, and shelter), education opportunities, and other investments. Moreover, migration contributes to the acquisition of scarce skills for personal use and for the training of others within Africa.
economic development africa migration political economy human trafficking labour migration conflicts


Ufo Okeke Uzodike, Christopher Isike, Emeka C. Iloh

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