cover image: 2018-05-16_GMG Briefing Note_Migration ARD

2018-05-16_GMG Briefing Note_Migration ARD

17 May 2018

3 In the context of structural and rural transformation, an increasingly important role is played by rural towns and small cities, as points of intermediation between rural and urban areas.4 Poverty, food insecurity, scarce resources, pursuit of education or employment, fear of conflict and violence, limited public services, gender-based discrimination, and the impacts of climate change and enviro. [...] As per the ILO global estimates, 11.1 per cent of the 150 million international migrant workers are concentrated in the agricultural sector.8 In rural areas of origin, the contribution of migrants is a valuable resource for agriculture and rural development. [...] While migration may reduce pressure on local labour markets in rural areas of origin and foster a more efficient allocation of labour and higher wages in agriculture10, it is worth noting that rural areas of origin are losing the younger, most vital and dynamic share of their workforce. [...] Regular pathways: Another key policy issue is how to ensure that regular pathways and support services for migrants are available, accessible and affordable for rural populations that are often left at the margins of labour migration schemes, with the notable exception of temporary and seasonal labour migration schemes in the agricultural sector. [...] Investment in food systems, agriculture and rural development: Responsible investments in food systems, agriculture and rural development are indispensable to ensure that migration remains a matter of choice rather than an act of desperation, especially for rural populations – to achieve inclusive growth, and to achieve the SDGs in areas of origin, curbing the adverse drivers of migration and stru.



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