cover image: How to write a policy brief - This is a training tool developed by IDRC


How to write a policy brief - This is a training tool developed by IDRC

3 May 2016

35-36 2 Planning your policy brief 3 What is a policy brief? • A short document that presents the findings and recommendations of a research project to a non- specialized audience • A medium for exploring an issue and distilling lessons learned from the research • A vehicle for providing policy advice 4 Work within parameters A policy brief is: • A stand alone document • Focused on a single topic. [...] A study from Sri Lanka EEPSEA 2005 15 Introduction • Answers the question why • Explains the significance/urgency of the issue • Describes the research objective • Gives overview of findings, conclusions • Creates curiosity for the rest of brief 16 Approaches and results • Provides summary of the facts • Describes issue and context • Describes research and analysis • Should not be overly technical. [...] A study from Sri Lanka EEPSEA 2005 22 Implications and recommendations • Implications are what could happen • Recommendations are what should happen • Both flow from conclusion • Both must be supported by evidence 23 Implications: if… then… • Describe what the researcher thinks will be the consequences • Less direct than recommendations • Useful when advice not requested • Softer approach but stil. [...] A study from Sri Lanka EEPSEA 2005 26 Designing the policy brief 27 Titles: add a little jazz • Titles are a reference point • Sub-titles break up text • Both should entice readers • Similar to headline writing • Verb make them more dynamic • Questions can pique curiosity 28 Sidebars can add extra depth • Is extra to main discussion • Is meant to “hook” reader • Sidebars should be: Short Descr. [...] 32 Bulleted lists • Favour groups of 5 or 7 • Express completed thoughts • Avoid tags (one or two word bullets) 33 Charts, photos, graphics • Pie charts/bar graphs are better than tables • Graphics simplify understanding • Use captions to explain content Forest Farm Desert Urban 34 Check your work 35 Think ahead and look back • Conduct a 20-second test: what stood out? • Try to make it more user f.


Francine Bouchard

Published in

