cover image: Climate change, displacement and community relocation: Lessons from Alaska (2017)


Climate change, displacement and community relocation: Lessons from Alaska (2017)

16 May 2017

States have a responsibility and the adverse effects of climate change, and also to protect and assist displaced people, prepare for tend to be neglected when it comes to the design disasters and take measures to prevent and implementation of policies and plans. [...] Those who have contributed least to our which damage or destroy infrastructure and climate crisis are the first to face the permanent loss threaten the livelihoods and wellbeing of people of their homelands and the need to relocate. [...] communities imminently threatened by flooding and erosion to participate in the project to design and Alaska Natives are among the first to decide that implement a governance framework for community- the relocation of whole communities is the only led relocation. [...] The aim is to design and implement a relocation Accelerated warming in the Arctic has tremendous process that affirms the communities’ right to implications for the world as a whole, and not least self-determination and ensures that their social and Alaska. [...] the north-west and south-west part of the village, which would also protect the road leading to the Erosion has undermined buildings and landfill and the airport.
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