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Exercise Background Material - Costa Rica - Country Profile

16 Nov 2021

Other operations in the past have targeted and, in consequence, compromised an internal webpage of the MINAE in December 201538, the website of the Costa Rican Ministry of For- eign Affairs (Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto, MREC) in March 201939, as well as the website of the Costa Rican Immigration Administration (Dirección General de Migración y Extranjería, DGME) in February 202040. [...] The strategy was ad- opted in 2017 as a guiding framework for the country’s activities and was developed with the support of the Organization of American States (OAS).44 Currently, Costa Rica is in the process of evaluating and updating its National Cybersecurity Strategy.45 The strategy seeks to provide guidance for the country’s action regarding security in the use of ICTs, foster multi-stakehol. [...] In accordance, the country’s policy objectives in the area of cybersecurity are to: • Increase national coordination via the assignment of a national coordinator (located in the MICITT), who is not only in charge of coordinating actions but also monitoring compliance in the implementation of the strategy and continued public-private collaborations47; • Implement public cybersecurity awareness and. [...] They inter alia designate the MICITT as a primary governing body and have established the Superintendency of Tele- communications (Superintendencia de Telecomunicaciones, SUTEL), a regulatory authority that guarantees the protection of users’ rights and the universalization of services.58 Another regulatory law of importance to the field of cyber security and cybercrime in Costa Rica is the Law fo. [...] In addition to the OAS, Costa Rica is regionally engaged in the Network of e-Government of Latin America and the Caribbean (Red de Gobierno Electrónico de América Latina y el Caribe, Red GEALC), whose primary aim constitutes the “support [for] the development of digital government public policies”.95 In the framework of Red GEALC, Costa Rica has, e.g., proposed the later adopted San José Declarati.
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