cover image: BACKGROUNDER 2021



30 Nov 2021

The purpose of this consultation was to better understand the Business practices: The owners needs, priorities, challenges and were asked to what extent they gaps for Inuit women’s economic employ a number of standard development so that Pauktuutit can business best practices, as well better support Inuit women and as challenges or capacity gaps. [...] When Networking: The importance of relationships and mentorship asked, over half of the women surveyed felt they have the same in fostering a strong business community was highlighted opportunities as others to have a successful business, and slightly in the study. [...] Half of the IWBOs were unaware of influence how they run their business, making this a very the Inuit Women in Business Network, and many of the women significant factor in how Inuit women business owners approach interviewed were interested in learning more and possibly business. [...] Many of the women did not consider gender roles to impact them negatively, and the presence of successful Measuring success: Inuit culture and values are at the core Inuit women in business is evidence that the traditional female of success for these businesses. [...] and challenges, including childcare and family obligations, The impacts of COVID-19 varied among the businesses, with a the high cost of doing business in the North, and the need combination of positive and negative effects that will extend for for networks and support.
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