cover image: Evaluation of denitrification and decomposition from three biogeochemical models using laboratory measurements of N2, N2O and CO2


Evaluation of denitrification and decomposition from three biogeochemical models using laboratory measurements of N2, N2O and CO2

21 Oct 2021

For the calculation of miss- ratio between relative treatment differences of measured and ing soil physical parameters (e.g the soil gas diffusion coef- modeled values is 1, if the measured and the modeled values ficients) the respective pedotransfer functions were applied changed with the same magnitude in the same direction. [...] the ratio is bigger than 1, the direction of measured and mod- eled values is the same, but the magnitude of the response is 2.2.3 DNDC bigger in the model than was seen in the measured values. [...] If the value is between 0 and 1, the direction is the same, but the The DeNitrification–DeComposition model (DNDC) is a magnitude of the response is smaller in the model than was complex, widely used process-based model of C and N bio- seen in the measured values. [...] Similarly, in the ryegrass-treated sand, the pat- quite low, and the fluctuation of the values does not always tern and the magnitude of measured and modeled fluxes were follow the changes in the measured values. [...] The slow increase in the denitrifier portance of better simulating microbial dynamics to better biomass that Coup modeled in the silt-loam soil could be the account for the drivers of decomposition, because these ulti- reason that the modeled ansvf is orders of magnitude smaller mately influence the denitrification flux estimations (Philip- than the ansvf measured in another silt-loam soil of simi.


Balazs Peter Grosz; Reinhard Well; Rene Dechow; Jan Reent Köster; Amanda Matson

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