cover image: Can the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girl’s Inquiry be Reclaimed?

Can the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girl’s Inquiry be Reclaimed?

1 Dec 2021

By April 30, 2019, the final report is expected to make findings on: • Systemic causes of violence against Indigenous women and girls (including underlying causes and vulnerabilities); and • Policies and practices aimed at reducing violence and increasing safety; And the Inquiry will make recommendations on: • Actions to address systemic causes of violence and increase the safety of Indigenous wom. [...] Parties with Standing in the Inquiry include Indigenous women’s organizations, human rights organizations and families of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls who are there to scrutinize institutions, practices and policy negatively impacting Indigenous women and girls. [...] Instead the Inquiry has ultimately failed to establish and maintain broad confidence and endorsement of its process and approach, which is required to mobilize findings of fact and enact the reforms that it’s been tasked to produce. [...] Finally, for those Parties with Standing in the Inquiry, they can, to the best of their ability, use their participatory right to prepare and develop for submission to the Inquiry evidence and recommendations that will advance safety considerations for Indigenous women and girls. [...] Ultimately, in the long-term, the impact of the Inquiry will be judged on one standard — are Indigenous women and girls in Canada safe? Determining how all Indigenous women and girls will have the ability to be physically and emotionally safe, in a way that is immediately and reliably available regardless of their location, must be the primary outcome of the Inquiry, and the Inquiry must focus its.
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