cover image: No. 36 September 29, 2021 - IN THIS ISSUE - Six Nations Reject Canadian Election Interference in Their Affairs


No. 36 September 29, 2021 - IN THIS ISSUE - Six Nations Reject Canadian Election Interference in Their Affairs

22 Dec 2021

It goes to the heart of the demands for justice for the lost children and the missing women and girls and reparations for crimes committed against the Indigenous peoples in the past and which continue to be committed in the present. [...] It is at the heart of the fight of the peoples of the entire world at this time against the rule of those who have usurped power by force and use it to advance very narrow private interests. [...] 4 Up to the time the Indian Act of 1876 was revised in 1951, all “Indian policy” was made by the federal government without consulting “Indians.” By the mid-twentieth century, due to the complete failure of its policy of assimilation to eliminate the Indigenous peoples who have without fail upheld their hereditary rights, and due to the state of misery to which they had been reduced, in 1968-69 th. [...] The opposition of the Indigenous peoples and general public opinion against this attempt of the government to wash its hands of all its fiduciary responsibilities as a result of the theft of Indigenous territories and social responsibility for the crimes committed against the Indigenous peoples was so fierce that the government was forced to retreat. [...] “On the other hand, methods of enforcement of the court’s order have led to serious and substantial infringement of civil liberties, including impairment of the freedom of the press to a marked degree,” he said, according to a CBC report.



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