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30 May 2019

In addition to the bare bones requirement of the OCP to specify targets, policies and actions, a proper plan would also include the reasons for the targets, the specific means and timelines by which the targets are to be achieved, and other related information. [...] A key benefit of producing a plan is that it enables the municipality and others to understand the extent of the measures that are needed to achieve the targets, and the extent to which any particular measure or strategy will contribute to the achievement of the targets. [...] Development Permit Areas A municipality may designate a Development Permit Area (DPA) for a specific purpose under section 488 of the LGA,56 and specifically for the purposes of achieving 100% RE,57 the protection of the natural environment, the promotion of energy conservation or water conservation, and the reduction of GHG emissions.58 Proposed development within a DPA requires a special permit. [...] Buildings Energy used to heat or cool buildings represented over half of the estimated energy expenditures in the District of Saanich and over 30% of its GHG emissions in 2016.88 In Vancouver, buildings caused 59% of the city’s emissions in 2017 and the majority of non-renewable energy used was to heat buildings.89 As municipalities can have a direct impact on building energy use and emissions red. [...] The City enacted the Energy Utility System Bylaw109 to require all new buildings in the area to connect to the NEU, and requires all those applying for rezoning over 2 acres to investigate the viability of district energy.110 Notably, the City of Vancouver has authority provided to it by the Vancouver Charter,111 which was amended in 2007 to allow Vancouver to provide energy utility services.


Jordyn Bogetti

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