cover image: Discussion Paper Series - CDP 38/21 /21 - Labor Market Integration of Syrian Refugees in Turkey


Discussion Paper Series - CDP 38/21 /21 - Labor Market Integration of Syrian Refugees in Turkey

22 Dec 2021

Indeed, as discussed in the next section, our tabulations based on the comparison of employment statistics for the sample individuals subject to the same sampling restrictions across data sources show that paid employment rate in the Person Data is lower than the current employment rate in the Women Data (about 10% lower for men and about 20% for women.) Second, in the Women Data, information on t. [...] Therefore, we assume that those coded as “incomplete secondary” in the Women Data belong to the category of “incomplete secondary” in the classification of the Person Data, and we also assume that those codes as “complete secondary” in the Women Data belong to the category of “complete high schools” in the Person Data. [...] Second, the share of household members who are children of the household head is larger among natives (except for refugees in the sample of married men in the Women Data), whereas the share of household members who are not children of the household head is larger among refugees. [...] The patterns of the native-refugee gap in terms of the characteristics of the last job in the 12 months preceding the survey date are quite similar to those observed for their current employment. [...] To separate the role of each reason, in Table 4, we present the gap in paid employment for the sample of 18- to 59-year-old married men (i.e., the sample analyzed in the Women Data).
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United Kingdom