cover image: Agriculture and Rural Development Plan


Agriculture and Rural Development Plan

21 Jan 2010

the timing of the implementation of the eight measures (and related institutional support), the availability and type of donor and government funding, the rate of growth in the economy, and the capacity locally to absorb donor assistance. [...] (As in ARDP 2007-13), the final cost will depend on the timing of the implementation of the eight measures (and related institutional support), the availability and type of donor and government funding, the rate of growth in the economy, and the capacity locally to absorb donor assistance. [...] Concerning the European Partnership, this emphasises the need for Kosovo to adopt short and medium term priorities that will: • improve the competitiveness of agriculture and the agro-processing sector; • improve planning, management and use of agricultural and forest land, as well as the environment; • harmonise with the acquis communautaire and EU standards; and • narrow the gap between Kosovo a. [...] the timing of the implementation of the eight measures (and related institutional support), the availability and type of donor and government funding, the rate of growth in the economy, and the capacity locally to absorb donor assistance. [...] Concerning vocational training under Measure 1, specific operations are preparing farmers for: the reorientation of production to focus on quality; the application of production practices compatible with the maintenance and enhancement of the landscape; the protection of the environment, hygiene standards and animal welfare; and the management of an economically viable farm.


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