cover image: Revista de Istorie Militară nr. 5-6/2021


Revista de Istorie Militară nr. 5-6/2021

30 Dec 2021

AlEXANdRU oșcA* Abstract Romania’s security system in the interwar period was based on close relations with France (especially) and Great Britain, the guarantors of the international order created at the end of the First World War, and on a system of regional alliances – with Poland, the Little Entente and the Balkan Pact. [...] Concepţia lui Iorga în acest prezentarea câtorva argumente, atitudini și fapte din care rezultă concepția liderului poli- tic Nicolae Iorga față de politica de alianțe po- litico-militare din care România a făcut parte în perioada interbelică, cu deosebire în scurta perioadă în care a deţinut mandatul de pre- şedinte al Consiliului de Miniștri. [...] Interestingly, it Romanian side that was to push for the conclu- appears in two versions, the first being a re- sion of the alliance even before the signing of cord of the account of a Romanian historian the Polish-Bolshevik peace in Riga, according presented at the meeting of the Romanian to Ionescu’s account – Polish Foreign Minister Academy on 27 June 1924. [...] Iorga was also very lution of the Faculty Council was confirmed critical of the deprivation of the Polish scien- the next day by the UKSB Senate21. [...] This was the rel- the UKSB came to Bucharest for the ceremo- ative weakness of the Romanian army, which ny of awarding the doctorate h.c.? Probably on both interested parties admitted in a conver- the occasion of Glixelli, he established appro- sation between Iorga and A rciszewski, which priate contacts on the spot, which enabled him took place after the latter arrived in Bucharest to obtain a co.
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Title in English
SUMMARY - ISPAIM — MILITARY HISTORY Magazine 5-6/2021 [from PDF fonts]