The agreement stated that IBC Provides technical assistance for rehabilitation of the forest surrounding the lake and pursues joint research collaborations in all areas of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences including but not limited to biodiversity of the lake and its surrounding. [...] On the other hand AWLEPB Contributes to the conservation of biological resources and Lake Ecosystem and coordinate the community and human resource in planting 3 Biodiversity Monthly Newsletter indigenous trees and collaborate with local communities to work towards ensuring sustainability of the conservation and rehabilitation initiatives. [...] The result of the study, which was led by researchers from the Environment Department‘s Institute for Tropical Ecosystem Dynamics (KITE) and Centre for the Integration of Research Conservation and Learning (CIRCLE), and involved the Missouri Botanical Garden (St Louis, USA) and the East African Herbarium (Nairobi, Kenya), are published in the journal Plant Ecology and Evolution. [...] The project addressed Aichi Target 1 of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, which states that ―By 2020, at the latest, people are aware of the values of biodiversity and the steps they can take to conserve and use it sustainably.‖ The project, supported by the CBD Secretariat, aimed to help close a widening democratic gap between citizens and policy-makers, as policy-making grows more g. [...] It was seen as a pilot case for the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in terms of access to and benefit-sharing from the use of genetic resources (ABS).
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