cover image: New psychoactive substances in Europe: Legislation and prosecution - current challenges and solutions


New psychoactive substances in Europe: Legislation and prosecution - current challenges and solutions

8 Nov 2016

Focusing on the innovative new laws that are designed to address the issue, the report gives the reader a breakdown of their key elements: the criteria used to define NPS; the systems for listing them; and the penalties for non-compliance. [...] However, the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) of 10 July 2014 (known as the NPS judgment) on the prosecution of NPS found that they were excluded from the scope of medicinal products (CJEU, 2014). [...] These are addition of non-therapeutic drugs to the list of controlled summarised below and a country-by-country summary of substances on the basis that they can pose as serious a the key elements of the law is provided in the Annex to this threat to public health as substances already listed in the report. [...] However, the intent of the legislator clearly whereby the German authorities brought charges against was — in the view of the CJEU — to include substances the defendants for a breach of the German Medicines Act, having a beneficial effect on human beings. [...] explained that, following the decision of the CJEU in July 2014, the laws on medical products could no At the beginning of 2014 the case was referred to longer be used to authorise judicial measures against Eurojust to facilitate the execution of letters rogatory to the trafficking and production of NPS.


Eurojust, EMCDDA

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