cover image: Biological Security Education, Awareness, and Outreach as Essential Elements of Strengthening the Re


Biological Security Education, Awareness, and Outreach as Essential Elements of Strengthening the Re

17 Dec 2021

Fostering a culture of responsible innovation Essential Elements of that promotes and supports consideration of the broader impacts of research and Strengthening the development can contribute to the process of ensuring that scientific and technological Review of Science advances are used only for peaceful purposes and the benefit of humankind and the and Technology environment. [...] under the BTWC The revised Recommendation on Science and Scientific Researchers adopted by Tatyana Novossiolova UNESCO in 2017 underlines the civic and Research Fellow, Law Program, ethical aspect of scientific research and Center for the Study of encourages the development of appropriate Democracy, Bulgaria. [...] This includes Consideration of DURC issues in life science outreach to science academies and councils, practice is an element of effective laboratory science editors and publishers, and funders biosecurity and relevant organisations and and donors of life science research.4 The research facilities should establish and have consultations are part of a broader effort to in place appropriate arrangem. [...] The cartoon series was discussed within the co-author of the series made a demo framework of a webinar series on presentation highlighting possible strategies “Responsible Science” hosted by the Science for using the cartoon scenarios for training and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU) and awareness-raising. [...] The feedback received from to enhance the process for review and students attending the seminar has indicated assessment of relevant life science advances, that the cartoons offer an easy-to- not least because it could help facilitate understand approach for teaching complex scientist engagement with the Convention security concepts.13 Information about the and encourage the development and cartoo.
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