cover image: Data Sources: State of New York’s Children 2022


Data Sources: State of New York’s Children 2022

12 Jan 2022

Total Medicaid and CHIP Enrollment: The total unduplicated number of individuals enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP as of the last day of the reporting period, including those with retroactive, conditional, and presumptive eligibility. [...] The data were collected by the New York State Education Department in the Student Information Repository System (SIRS) and reflect students enrolled in New York State School Districts and New York State Charter Schools. [...] The ratio of occupants per room is derived by dividing the number of persons in the housing unit by the number of rooms in the housing unit. [...] Total children in families under 18 in Demographics for the families and individuals residing in the Department of Homeless Services New York City Department of Homeless Services (DHS). [...] In order to further ensure that estimates are robust and reliable, Georgetown CCF suppresses the data when: 1) the estimate of the population minus the margin of error is smaller than 0; or, 2) the estimate has a coefficient of variation (CV) of 25% or greater indicating wide variability in the data spread and high levels of uncertainty.


Crystal Charles

Published in
United States of America