cover image: The National Populist Illusion: Why Culture, Not


The National Populist Illusion: Why Culture, Not

30 Nov 2020

As 2016, President Trump performed very well pointed out by Aaron Sibarium, writing for among white voters without a college the American Compass, Trump largely degree, suggesting the generalization of the failed to implement the policy agenda he Republicans as the party of the rich and promoted during the 2016 campaign, yet white was no longer valid. [...] Economic ideology is measured Perform Better? by the ideological score of the first dimension of Nokken-Poole in the Proponents of the national populist congressional session before the relevant agenda argue that Republicans have been election, with a higher number indicating too dogmatic in their commitment to free- more of a free market orientation.49 We market solutions to economic challenges. [...] As can be seen, candidates running knowing how that politician voted on in states and districts where Trump did economic issues in the period before the better in 2016 themselves received a higher election had no predictive value at all once share of the vote in their reelection bids, the Trump 2016 margin was taken into which is why the colors of the datapoints are account. [...] creativity, a major realignment of working- However, we also believe in maintaining a class voters into the Republican ranks is sober and dispassionate mindset when unlikely in the near future, even if the party considering the political implications of a shifts its economic priorities to the center or policy agenda. [...] To a large extent, the Republicans one can reasonably speculate that, in the may simply benefit from not being absence of the pandemic and the related Democrats, a party that has moved far to the economic contraction, Trump may have left in recent years on identity issues.52 One been the favorite in the election, despite recent study showed white Americans failing to live up to his populist promis.
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United States of America