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Academic Freedom in Crisis: Punishment, Political Discrimination, and Self-Censorship

22 Apr 2021

In the US, 44% of academics, and Britain and North America, with 70-80% 70% of PhD students, would back a of staff on the left and 5-10% on the right, reading list quota of at least 30% women undergirds a climate of soft and 20% people of color, while only a authoritarianism. [...] every conservative in the 1960s to a ratio The leftward skew of the social of approximately 10 to 1 today – slightly sciences and humanities professoriate in more in top US and Canadian universities 10 and a bit less in the UK.3 In surveys in the departments are hostile environments for early 1970s, younger academics were as their political beliefs. [...] The data do not back the contention that I also present evidence of a conservative grad students are more significantly higher share of right-leaners motivated by money and thus uninterested among academics who retire early, 11 suggesting that selection effects work to We can think of the threats to both limit entry and hasten the exit of academic freedom using the metaphor of conservatives. [...] From the chart, Cancellations as the Tip of the Iceberg we can see that between a quarter and half of right-wing American academics have Injustice and discrimination are experienced hard authoritarianism, in the typically not experienced by the leftist form of disciplinary action for speech political majority, making it possible to (23%), bullying (36%), or psychological imagine there is no proble. [...] From the conversation on academic freedom from point of view of this small minority, high-profile incidents to the superstructure illiberalism and discrimination are massive of attitudes and behaviors that sustains problems, but these can be invisible to the these violations of academic liberty.


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United States of America