cover image: Papua New Guinea - Trade Facilitation Challenges for Women Traders and Freight Forwarders : Survey Findings and Recommendations (English)


Papua New Guinea - Trade Facilitation Challenges for Women Traders and Freight Forwarders : Survey Findings and Recommendations (English)

10 Jan 2022

The World Bank Group completed the trade and gender study in the Papua New Guinea to identify the specific challenges that men and women face in cross-border trade and determine where further reforms can be made. The report provides a wealth of new data and includes a summary of key findings, as well as recommendations on how to address the main obstacles identified. This analysis can help governments better understand trade barriers and design policy that maximizes the benefits of trade for women, so that they can participate more fully in the economy.
papua new guinea ports transport gender and development state-owned enterprise cross-border trade international economics and trade transport services freight forwarder labor force participation rate impact of climate change east asia and pacific ports & waterways international trade and trade rules point of entry collected data trade facilitation and logistics cost of doing business import of goods gender dimension fees and charge family care methods of payment care of child woman trader trade facilitation measures clearance of good large number of women simplifying trade procedures trade policy making exportation of good engine of
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Doc Name
Papua New Guinea - Trade Facilitation Challenges for Women Traders and Freight Forwarders : Survey Findings and Recommendations
Published in
United States of America
Series Name
Trade Facilitation and Gender Surveys;
Total Volume(s)
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