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‘Global’ IR and Self-Reflections in Turkey: Methodology, Data Collection, and Data Repository

19 Jan 2022

Presenting his dissatisfaction with the state of the IR discipline at that time, he suggested that the discipline should move away from the American ‘superpower’ perspective and towards other parts of the world.1 In 1980, Palmer claimed that the IR discipline is not ‘an American social science.’2 In his review of the then-‘state of the art’ he observed that the IR discipline was rapidly becoming ‘. [...] By the late 2000s, scholars following this trajectory have argued for the inclusion of ‘IR beyond the West’, ‘Post-Western’, and ‘non- western’ in the study of IR.20 Criticisms of the state of the literature and theorizing in IR have evolved from ‘American-centrism’ to ‘Western-centrism” and ‘Eurocentrism.’21 Analyzing the state of the discipline with an emphasis on the relationship between the ‘c. [...] As part of his presidential address at the ISA conference, Acharya puts forward a claim to develop a more inclusive discipline that incorporates diverse approaches developed in the non- core and that transcend the division between the West and the Rest.22 He observes that the IR discipline “does not reflect the voices, experiences, knowledge claims, and contributions of the vast majority of the so. [...] Sula definitions of ways to achieve ‘global IR’.25 This summary on the evolution of debates on the state of the art in the discipline brings us to the following: ‘self-reflection in the periphery’ and ‘reclaiming IR from the core”. [...] We are quantitatively coding the following: number of references to a specific threat, the type of threat, cause of the threat, and the source country.68 Currently, the project relies on the hand-coding of the materials we found.
data collection data repository global studies methodology turkey


İsmail Erkam Sula

Published in
