cover image: Pillai, Dubash and Bhatia_Unlocking Climate Action in Indian Federalism_Policy Brief_Jul

Pillai, Dubash and Bhatia_Unlocking Climate Action in Indian Federalism_Policy Brief_Jul

28 Jul 2021

CPR initiative on Climate, energy, and environment’s (iCee) main objectives are to understand and interpret the global climate change regime and to stimulate and inform a strategic and sectoral debate around india’s energy future focusing on the buildings and electricity sectors. [...] financial and bureaucratic capacities are concentrated in the centre, the locus of climate decisions lies largely in the we recommend changes across multiple layers of indian states because they steer energy choices and respond to federalism, from the centre to the states and the relationship climate impacts. [...] Addressing climate impacts and engaging in sustainability transformations across states with We aim to reform institutions to the benefit of both the different capacities and levels of development underscores the national energy transition and climate resilience in the states. [...] F unding SAPCCs: the quantum of central support must centre and states and objective of improving the public be made clear at the inception of the planning process value of state expenditure make it a crucial node in india’s and feature as a key variable in state planning. [...] Conclusion Many of the changes suggested here might be particularly highlighted here – capacity, federal coordination, incentives hard to execute in present circumstances, not least because for state action, experimentation, and learning and diffusion, of the limited fiscal space in which both the centre and among others – provide a set of guidelines toward the long- states operate due to the Covi.
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