Investment and growth in the time of climate change Investment and Growth In the tIme of ClImate ChanGe Investment and growth in the time of climate change Economics Department (EIB)/Bruegel Investment and growth in the time of climate change By Atanas Kolev, Armin-D. [...] Investment and growth in the time of climate change vii The report is the result of a joint research effort by the Economics Department of the European Investment Bank and Bruegel. [...] Cognisant of the many facets of climate change, this report looks through the lens of economics, that is, the social science that measures the economic impact of climate change and the costs and benefits of trying to mitigate it and adapt to it. [...] As the title of the report indicates, the purpose is to consider investment and economic growth in the time of climate change. [...] The starting point of any discussion on the economics of climate change is to recognise the market failure at the core of the problem.