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28 Jan 2022

The success of the CEMS initiative demands the development of an indigenous certification system that considers all the environmental and test conditions in India influencing the system and assures credible data quality for the purpose of compliance. [...] The purpose of the scheme is to ensure that operators, regulators and the public can have confidence in the data reported, for the purpose of compliance, on both industrial emissions and the environment receiving those emissions. [...] The two key issues of quality and fitness, and the calibration of the system has led the EU to develop the standard EN-15267 as the basis for a pan European CEMS type approval scheme (QAL 1 approval) and EN14181 as a basis for the selection, quality assurance and calibration of CEMS. [...] The duration of this stage of the certification process will depend on the acceptability of existing test data and the availability of the laboratory to conduct testing. [...] 26 Step 4: Submit certification application After completing the required certification testing, the application for certification with updated monitoring plan and the results of certification testing sent to CAMD, using ECMPS client tool and the documents that are incompatible to electronic tools such as the hard copy piece of the application consists of a cover letter from the Designated Represe.
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