cover image: Would You Like Efficiency With That? Linking Efficiency and Renewables to Motivate Customer Action


Would You Like Efficiency With That? Linking Efficiency and Renewables to Motivate Customer Action

23 Jul 2010

At some point in the decision-making process, the customer learned of the opportunity to qualify for these extra funds or of the importance of targeting energy efficiency first and acted on that information. [...] Additional analysis of the timeframes between the solar and retrofit efforts indicates that the bulk of these households completed both the efficiency work and the renewable energy installation at their homes almost simultaneously. [...] Prior to the launch of this $500 Solar Bonus, 12% of solar hot water system owners fully participated in one of the ©2010 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings 6-226 residential energy efficiency programs prior to the installation of their solar system (Figure 4). [...] Based on economics alone, one would expect to see a stronger correlation in the launch of the solar bonus and the percentage of customers participating in the home EE programs prior to the installation of their solar hot water system. [...] This anomaly reduces the correlation of the introduction of the Solar Bonus and the increase in the percentage of homeowners that targeted efficiency prior to the installing a solar hot water system.
Published in
United States of America
