cover image: Human Development Report 2020 - The next frontier - Human development and the Anthropocene


Human Development Report 2020 - The next frontier - Human development and the Anthropocene

9 Jan 2021

The designations employed and the presentation The 2020 Human Development Report of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any The 30th Anniversary 2020 Human opinion whatsoever on the part of the Human Development Report Development Report is the latest in the series Office (HDRO) of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) of global Human Development Reports conce. [...] pieces commissioned for the Report, interactive data visualizations and databases of human Some of the figures included in the analytical part of the report where development indicators, full explanations of the indicated have been estimated by the HDRO or other contributors to the sources and methodologies used in the Report’s Report and are not necessarily the official statistics of the concerne. [...] The cover conveys the complex connections between people and the planet, whose The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material lies with interdependence is a hallmark of the the reader. [...] forms of life) calls for reimagining the human devel- In that expansion and perspective lay both the goal of opment journey (where do we want to go?).7 It also the human development journey and, instrumental- calls for applying the human development approach ly, the means to widen the scope of potential actions to longstanding debates on sustainability (how do we to change the drivers of pressures. [...] The environment and the challenges of sustainability and climate have been forcefully ad- “Unlike other concepts that have highlighted the impact vocated by social and political movements that of human pressures on the environment, the Anthropo- have pushed these issues to the top of the devel- cene describes a state change in the Earth system, viewed opment agenda.
Published in
United States of America
