This report responds to two primary needs: 1) the identification by Governor Phil Bryant in his energy plan of the need for a statewide energy efficiency assessment, and 2) to offer strategic guidance and insights to the MPSC, utilities, and other key stakeholders during the continued development and implementation of the new energy efficiency rules.2 KEY FINDINGS Here, we present the key findings. [...] This historical trend has manifested into the following scenario: while Mississippi enjoys some of the lowest energy rates in the country, the residential sector suffers from some of the highest energy bills in the country (see Tables 1 and 2 in the report). [...] Our discussions throughout the report are set predominantly within the context of Mississippi’s new energy efficiency rules adopted by the MPSC, as there is much work to be done by the MPSC and utilities in the design and implementation of policies and programs, both in the short- and long-term. [...] The Mississippi Public Service Commission (MPSC), which regulates investor- owned and cooperative utilities, and the Mississippi Public Utilities Staff, which represent the broad interests of the State of Mississippi by balancing the respective concerns of the residential, commercial or industrial ratepayers, and the state and its agencies and departments, and the public utilities; The Mississ. [...] 27 MISSISSIPPI’S GUIDE TO ENERGY EFFICIENCY © ACEEE The MS Energy Sustainability and Development Act (HB 1296) amends the Energy Management Law of 1981, and requires the Mississippi Development Authority (MDA) Energy and Taking the Lead at the Natural Resources Division to coordinate the development and implementation of a state energy Mississippi D.