cover image: Digital Technologies Uptake is Still Low in Ugandan Secondary and Tertiary Institutions


Digital Technologies Uptake is Still Low in Ugandan Secondary and Tertiary Institutions

16 Nov 2021

The Ugandan Government has recognised the use of digital technologies in education as an avenue for providing learners and trainers’ opportunities to operate with ease in a highly digitalised economy and fast-evolving world of work. In this regard, policies and initiatives have been put in place to facilitate the implementation of digital technology in schools to improve the quality of education. However, findings reveal that several challenges such as lack of digital literacy skills among teachers/trainers, fragile ICT infrastructure and high computer student ratios still limit the uptake of digital technologies. This has left the majority of the students lagging behind in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution. Given these challenges, we recommend that the Government of Uganda, with support from partners and stakeholders, provides teachers with relevant skills training to deal effectively with emerging technologies. We also recommend increasing investments in ICT infrastructure in schools to eliminate inequalities and, lastly, finds creative ways of attracting private actors to invest in digital technologies.
information technology uganda education digital technologies information and communication technology (ict)


Madina Guloba, Blessing Atwine

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