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Why—and how—to get moving - A NEW - Take our latest quiz!

24 Aug 2021

And that’s without the cost of Jeremiah Stamler, MDNorthwestern University Medical School the group receiving a high dose of Aduhelm MRI scans to detect the bleeds and swelling. [...] says Hillman, who served on the expert “Both gray matter—which are the neu- the hippocampus—an area of the brain panel that examined the evidence for the rons themselves—and white matter— involved in memory and learning—had Physical Activity Guidelines. [...] But then you ask about 75 minutes a week of vigorous- sitting at breakfast, in the car, at work, intensity aerobic activity* like: eating dinner, watching TV, and so on, • Jogging or running and it adds up to 12 or 13 hours.”11 OR • Singles tennis AND Katzmarzyk’s advice: “If you have a • Bicycling 10 mph or faster job where you have to sit for most of the • Hiking uphill or with a heavy backpack. [...] Feelings of “High levels of activity are quite sitting at breakfast, in the car, at work, anxiety and tension dropped post-exer- consistently linked to a lower risk of en- eating dinner, watching TV, and so on, cise but remained stable in the resters.14 dometrial, kidney, bladder, and stomach and it adds up to 12 or 13 hours.”11 “But a commitment to regular exercise cancers,” says Matthews. [...] How much is a “high” level of activ- of exercise to negate the health effects, In one study of 10,400 Spanish adults, ity? whereas if you’re up and about most of those who reported more physical activ- the day, you don’t need to do as much ity had a lower risk of >> exercise.
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