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Child Poverty and Disparities in Cambodia

17 Feb 2021

At the macro level, the effects of The indicators of poor child nutrition are wasting, poverty on children are often assumed to be the same stunting and being underweight; for child health are the as the effects of poverty on adults, since children are part of society. [...] In children living in rural areas, the rate categories of reasons stood out: no suitable education of stunting was 30.5 percent, of wasting 8.3 percent or training programme (7.3 percent) and gaining and of being underweight 34.7 percent; for urban- experience (3.9 percent), while household poverty based children, these were 30.5, 7.1 and 35.7 percent, accounted for only 0.2 percent, and other rea. [...] The scheme also covers the costs showed that the percentage of children whose births are of transport and meals during treatment (Bureau of registered varies with age, wealth status of family and Health Economics and Financing 2008). [...] Conclusion and Policy Implications The Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Household wealth (indicated by per capita expenditure Rehabilitation and the National AIDS Authority (2008) of households on health and on child education), the reports that there was little change in the proportion of orphans between 2000 and 2005 (7.6 percent vs 7.4 percent). [...] Nevertheless, the number of orphans of hours a child works, access to water, shelter and increased from 5751 in 2005 to 6616 in 2006 and 8664 toilet, ethnicity, community characteristics, geographic location and health subsidies are determinants of child (2006) found that Oddar Meanchey had the highest and household poverty.
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