cover image: 2021 Report of the Biological Oceanography Committee


2021 Report of the Biological Oceanography Committee

22 Mar 2022

The goals of WG 48 are to summarize the strengths, limitations, and recent progress of imaging systems and deployment platforms which could facilitate the deployment of imaging systems for plankton monitoring; to establish standard libraries and protocols to compare different automated plankton recognition and enumeration procedures; and to develop sampling methods that are routinely applicable to. [...] The ToR of S-CC was partially revised to coordinate and encourage ongoing and planned national international syntheses of research regarding biogeochemical cycles of carbon, oxygen, and nutrients in the North Pacific for the larger Pacific basin, and a new item was added as enhancing cross-disciplinary collaboration across climate, ocean biogeochemistry, biology and fisheries on issues such as the. [...] Core themes of SOLAS include greenhouse gases and the oceans, air–sea interface and fluxes of mass and energy, atmospheric deposition and ocean biogeochemistry, interconnections between aerosols, clouds, and marine ecosystems, and ocean biogeochemical controls on atmospheric chemistry. [...] The SOLAS implementation team meeting was held on October 11, 2021 to discuss the idea of a UN Decade proposal, in collaboration with other international organisations and to build a scientific collaborative and governance body to facilitate and guide input from the scientific community to policy decisions online and the 2nd SOLAS meeting will be held in 2022. [...] Janelle Curtis updated BIO on behalf of the North Pacific Fisheries Commission (NPFC) on activities during the past year and presented the NPFC-PICES framework developed in 2019 for enhanced scientific collaboration in the North Pacific.
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