cover image: US - United States


US - United States

29 Mar 2022

Just over 70% of enrolments were with public providers in 2018, which was below the average for the rest of CANZAUS. [...] TABLE 1 — Types of higher education providers INSTITUTIONS COUNT FIGURE 1 — Numbers of institutions by type, 2006-2018FIGURE 1 - Number of institutions by type, 2006-2018 CATEGORY INSTITUTIONS IN 2018 5,000 PUB. [...] FIGURE 7 — Change in real total public spending on higher education in FIGURE 8 — Total public spending on higher education relative to GDP in the United States, the rest of CANZAUS and the rest of the Global North, the United States, the rest of CANZAUS and the rest of the Global North, 2F0I0GU6R-2E0 61 8-  C(2h0an0g6e= in1 0re0a)l total public spending on higher education in country, region 20FI. [...] FIGURE 15 — Share of students at public institutions under each type of FIGURE 16 — Fee revenues per student paying “regular” rates at public tuition regime in the United States, the rest of CANZAUS and the rest of institutions by institution type in PPP, 2006-2018 theF IGUloRbEa 1l 5N - oSrhtahre, o2f0 s0tu6d eanntsd a 2t p0u1b8lic institutions under each type of tuition regime in FIGURE 16 - Fee. [...] The number of both loan and grant recipients peaked about midway through Obama’s tenure and subsequently fell, and total disbursements of both types of aid followed essentially the same trajectory.
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