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5 things to know about diet & climate - An aspirin APRIL FOOLS!

3 Mar 2022

“This was a huge By 2050, sea levels are expected to rise “That won’t be easy, but it could allow challenge from the nutrition side.” by 4 to 8 inches on the West Coast, 10 to us to pass on to our children a viable Yet the commission’s 2019 report 14 inches on the East Coast, and 14 to 18 planet.”managed to come up with a realistic diet >> APRIL 2022 | NUTRITION ACTION 3 cs_UNAHAPRIL22.indd 3 3/3/. [...] depends on how the pants in the National Health and eat beef—and that is about 20 percent of “A quarter to a third of food is species are caught Nutrition Examination Survey—Rose the U. [...] like cholesterol and blood pressure are have a history of ulcers or gastroin- “We thought that if your risk of hav- better controlled, there may be a little testinal bleeding, or are taking blood ing a rst heart attack or stroke was a bit less utility for aspirin than in the past.” thinners, steroids like prednisone, or higher than average, aspirin was a good That’s not what changed the guide- no. [...] “And in those On the other hand, aspirin may be “generally no, occasionally yes,” a good option for those whose which echoes advice from the risk for a rst heart attack or American Heart Association and stroke is high and whose risk of draft guidelines from the U. [...] notice the teensy pale “DRINK WITH OTHER NATURAL What about those “seeds”? FLAVORS” below “Bliss” on the front of the You get less than ¼ teaspoon Fresh Out of Guavas bottle or the “15% juice” above the Nu- of chia in a nine-chip serving, we estimate.
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