cover image: Impact of war between Russia and Ukraine on food security


Impact of war between Russia and Ukraine on food security

12 Apr 2022

APRIL-2022 ANALYSIS IMPACT OF WAR BETWEEN RUSSIA AND UKRAINE ON FOOD SECURITY Introduction The key aim of the research is to show the impact of the war between Ukraine and Russia on global food security. [...] For Russia, the main social and economic consequences of the ongoing war in Ukraine as a result of sanctions are the followings; ➢ Reduction of economic activity, the estimated number is about 9 percent of GDP in 2022; ➢ Ruble’s fall in value. [...] The main risks are the followings; Trade risk The suspension of oilseeds crushing operations and the introduction of export licensing requirements for some crops, all of which could take a toll on the country’s exports of grains and vegetable oils in the months ahead4. [...] It is the first in the export of sunflower oil and meal, the second in the export of barley and rape, and the third in the export of rye and sorghum. [...] It is important to underline the major consequences; ➢ Disruption of transport and production chains in Ukraine; ➢ Shortages in the war zone in Ukraine; ➢ Decline in exports and rising prices for wheat, sunflower oil, corn, and other agricultural products; ➢ Risk of grain shortage in North Africa and the Middle East; ➢ Risk of social tension in North Africa and the Middle East.


Malahat Najafova

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