cover image: Same game, new rules: - How policy can unlock future-fit innovation in Alberta’s hydrocarbon sectors


Same game, new rules: - How policy can unlock future-fit innovation in Alberta’s hydrocarbon sectors

6 Apr 2022

While several companies root in the province in the form of innovations to build operating in the province are already taking steps to future-fit hydrocarbon industries – industries built transition to low or zero-emissions business models, on the assets and expertise of hydrocarbon sectors situating this as an opportunity for the sector as a whole that are compatible with climate targets. [...] The EFL operates as an independent initiative of The Given continued polarization in the energy and Natural Step Canada, a national charity with over 25 climate dialogue across Canada, the EFPC adopted years experience advancing science, innovation and a ‘policy lab’ format – a model for facilitating policy strategic leadership to foster a strong and inclusive research and design on emerging issue. [...] 5 Builds on current assets and strengths ● Maximizing the efficiency of existing assets and ● Retiring high-emitting assets early, and where possible ● Leveraging and exporting technical capabilities and infrastructure and retrofitting with decarbonization repurposing assets, deploying new technologies, and using expertise into new areas of the emerging clean energy and Building on something from. [...] The EFPC framework identifies six strategic areas The ambition of the EFPC is for of focus where policy action is needed to accelerate Alberta’s energy sector to be at the future-fit hydrocarbon activity across the sector: forefront of future-fit hydrocarbon industries. [...] The EFPC has developed this framework to illuminate both the challenge and opportunity that is front and center to Alberta’s resource sector as energy investment evolves, and as a platform for policy makers to work together to successfully navigate the journey from hydrocarbons to future-fit hydrocarbons.
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