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Distribution studies list

27 Jan 2022

The in sediments from the littoral zone of the north role of the Rio de la Plata bottom salinity front in Tunisian coast, Mediterranean Sea. [...] Temporal variability of marine part of the Jordanian coast of the Gulf of Aqaba, debris deposition at Tern Island in the Northwest- Red Sea. [...] Marine Pollution Bulletin 146, 326–335 Distribution studies list Impacts of plastic pollution in the oceans on marine species, biodiversity and ecosystems | 2 Alvito A., Bellodi, A., Cau, A., Moccia, D., Mulas, A., Anfuso, G., Bolivar-Anillo, H. [...] Marine Pollution Bulletin impact of sediment dumping sites on the concentra- tions of microplastic in the inner continental shelf Bagaev, A., Mizyuk, A., Khatmullina, L., Isachenko, of Rio de Janeiro/Brazil. [...] Marine debris bution of microplastics and phthalates in sediments accumulation in the nearshore marine habitat of the from the urban channel of the Ria and coast of endangered Hawaiian monk seal, Monachus schau- Campeche, Mexico.
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