cover image: 2021 ÙÝÜäÔàÔÜêØÐ


2021 ÙÝÜäÔàÔÜêØÐ

5 Dec 2021

Therefore, the concept of sustaina- ble development the essence of which consists in continuation of development economy for reaching re- quirements of present necessity and without damage of living circumstances of future generations. [...] With increasing population of the Earth, different negative issues of surrounding environment have been grown: disorder of the ozone layer; radioactive contamination; increase in CO2 emission in the atmos- phere; soil contamination with pesticides; problems of world’s oceans, extinction of spices of animals and plants; permanent concealment; huge pollution of the atmosphere, fresh air; appearance. [...] It can cause changes of sunlight, terrestrial orbit and bent of the Earth axis, transpar- ency of the atmosphere, concentration of greenhouse gases, abilities of reflection of the Earth's surface, etc. [...] It can cause the global negative phenomena: reduction of humidity of landscapes; movement of climatic and planting zones; thawing of the ice, glaciers and eternal glaciers; rise of world’s oceans level; violation of cir- culation of oceanic water and a full hydrological cycle on the Earth; reduction of agricultural production; freshwater shortages (Currently 1 billion people in developing countrie. [...] Reasons for soil desertification: water scarci- ty; drought; aridity of the climate; deforestation; overgrazing of livestock; biological death; lack of drainage; salt accumulation; decrease in the level of groundwater; termination of irrigation; violation of water balance in the reservoirs; loss of fertility •.



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