cover image: 2022-02-08_Report_Middle_East_ENG++.indd



14 Feb 2022

The paradox with the Middle the main hot confl icts East is that the main hot conflicts currently unfolding there, currently unfolding there, except for the one in Libya, may well be waning, but at the same time their conflict potential has been on the rise, except for the one in primarily affecting neighbouring regions such as the Eastern Libya, may well be waning, Mediterranean, the South Caucas. [...] Iran and the Persian Gulf The key vectors of Russia’s Once the confl ict in Syria runs its course, the Persian Middle East policy are: Syria Gulf will fi nd itself in the centre of the Middle East. [...] As known, Israel is the closest regional ally of the United States. This relationship cannot be seen as unilateral dependence, considering the power of the Jewish lobby in the United States and the leverage this gives Israel over US politics. [...] There is the Turanian vector in Turkey’s policy, the bid to support the Muslim Brotherhood5 in the Arab world and beyond, Turkey’s refusal to recognise Crimea as part of Russia and support for revanchist elements among Crimean Tatars, as well as Turkey’s ambiguities on the Russia-Ukraine controversy, and the revival of the historical struggles with the Armenians and the Greeks. [...] There may be a plethora of the most complex developments in the Middle East, but fortunately, if the experience of the past decade is any guide, we can rest assured that Russia’s leadership, politicians, diplomats, the military, and intelligence services have the experience they need to draw the right conclusions and take the appropriate action.



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