cover image: Hallazgos 2020 - Assessment of the Criminal Justice System in Mexico


Hallazgos 2020 - Assessment of the Criminal Justice System in Mexico

21 Apr 2022

Part of the information processed, analyzed, and visualized within the current edition of Hallazgos corresponds to that of the government censuses and the Inegi (National Institute of Statistics and Geography) surveys, such as the ones pertaining to government and security, justice procurement and administration at two levels (federal and state), the Victimization and Perception of Security Survey. [...] criteria are generated, these Panels do not go into the matter of identifying patterns of illicit behavior, Within the organic structure of the Justice System they do not look for trends or patterns in terms of the Support Unit is the General Directorate for the commission of acts infringing on the rights of the parties, Strengthening of Superior Courts of Justice and State they do not look for ul. [...] those institutions was a priority during the first moments of implementation of the constitutional The withdrawal of the articulating authority of reform: to strengthen their case investigation and the national technical coordination system has prosecution capacity, perfect their management left a void of leadership in the consolidation of models to optimize resource investment and allow the crimi. [...] facilitators, in terms of training, generating databases, and computer systems, among Furthermore, the loss of leadership of the national others, present throughout the system, and technical coordination system sees a parallel trend in facilitate information flow for the purposes of the weakening of ICTEs, to the point of disappearance of institutional coordination. [...] The same goes for the technical part, as it does not generate the necessary training • The functions to coordinate within the system that frameworks, nor does it facilitate the exchange and flow allows for the alignment of the work done by the of information among the different stakeholders that the institutions with systemic and State objectives, system is composed of.
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