cover image: Toxic Air: The Price of Fossil Fuels


Toxic Air: The Price of Fossil Fuels

1 Feb 2020

This report assesses the impacts on global health and the economic cost of air pollution from the continued burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas. Using data published in 2019 – including the first study to assess the contribution of fossil fuels to global air pollution and health – the report provides a global assessment of the health impact of air pollution from fossil fuels in 2018 and a first-of-its-kind estimate of the associated economic cost. Case studies relating to transport and power generation show that reducing air pollution is feasible, achievable and cost effective. This report uses the most recent evidence and data on pollution levels, health effects and demographics to quantify the effects of air pollution on global and regional levels. The analysis includes an estimate of the financial cost of the health burden on the global economy. Using case studies, the report discusses how the phaseout of fossil fuels will have the co-benefit of mitigating climate change and reversing some of the most pressing global health problems.
air pollution health policy


Aidan Farrow, Kathryn A Miller, Lauri Myllyvirta

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