cover image: SUMMARY STRENGTHENING COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS - The Future of Public Health is at the Neighbourhood Scale


SUMMARY STRENGTHENING COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS - The Future of Public Health is at the Neighbourhood Scale

11 Apr 2022

SUMMARY STRENGTHENING COMMUNITY CONNECTIONS The Future of Public Health is at the Neighbourhood Scale FOUR KEY ACTIONS FOR COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP IN NEIGHBOURHOOD PUBLIC HEALTH A bright light during the COVID-19 syndemica to transportation — influence our health the has been the leadership of community most.2 When people and communities have organizations and neighbours helping one the resources the. [...] leadership in neighbourhoods, we have more The engagement of people and communities at equitable health outcomes and our systems the neighbourhood level improves both health are better equipped to adapt and manage equity and the ability of health systems to under changing circumstances. [...] That’s because the neighbourhood is a A syndemic is a health crisis that intersects with and an important site for health promotion at amplifies pre-existing health inequities, from racism and precarious employment to inadequate housing and the meso level, the space in between public access to safe, trusted health care services. [...] One of the most Astana Declaration of 2018,6 the World promising ways to help meet neighbourhood Health Organization has advocated for needs is to ensure health and community all communities to have access to these organizations work together to share resources in the form of comprehensive responsibility and accountability for the health Primary Health Care. [...] ACTION 4 IN PRACTICE In Mi’kma’ki (Nova Scotia), the new Tajikeimik health and wellness authority is transforming health services by and for Mi’kmaq communities.31 The work, years in the making, builds on the successful implementation of the First Nations Health Authority in British Columbia.32 4 .
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