cover image: Anticipating skill needs for green jobs A practical guide


Anticipating skill needs for green jobs A practical guide

17 Jul 2017

The present guide builds on the previous research and practical application, and provides guidance on how to embark on the identification of current and anticipation of future skill needs for the green economy and green jobs. [...] input-output table: A means of presenting a detailed analysis of the process of production and the use of goods and services (products) and the income generated in that production. [...] Questions about the overall employment impact of the transition to the low-carbon economy require macroeconomic analysis to explore issues such as the impact of green stimulus spending, the impact of changes in relative prices arising from taxation of carbon, or the impact of energy-related subsidies or mandates. [...] Quantitative analysis and the modelling of trends in the occupational composition of sectors benefit from a qualitative understanding of the changes and what drives them; this may give advance warning of changes in the trends. [...] The greater the degree to which sectoral and occupational classifications are tailored, the more original research is required and the more arduous the task of integrating findings with the outputs of other research.


Con Gregg

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