cover image: Hong Kong Green Building Council Limited Acknowledgement 31/12/2021


Hong Kong Green Building Council Limited Acknowledgement 31/12/2021

29 Apr 2022

7 8 Existing Buildings: Challenges and the Way Forward Existing Buildings: Challenges and the BEAM Plus Existing Buildings V2.0 • Launched in March 2016 Way Forward • Covering the management, operation, maintenance and improvement of all types of existing buildings of all ages • Comprehensive Scheme: assessing the overall performance of a property in either one-step or step-wise A Volume Certifica. [...] The Government has Promoted international net zero solutions and enhanced committed to issuing green bonds totalling the knowledge of professionals in the building and US$4.5 billion in 2022, including retail construction sector with the latest concepts, trends, strategies green bonds, and is expanding its Green and 20 and technical solutions for decarbonising and advancing Sustainable Finance Gra. [...] 13 14 Green Finance Turning What is the role of green building and BEAM Plus in green finance? Engagement BEAM Plus is one of the green building certification schemes recognised by GRESB, HKQAA & CIC. [...] Achievement rate of credit SA3b of BEAM Plus New Buildings (V1.1 and V1.2) the public to live a greener life and learn more about reduction and BEAM Plus certification local green building development through a series of • Carries out retro-fitting works and facility upgrades to 11. [...] Achievement rate of credits MWA1 of BEAM Plus Existing Buildings V2.0 Comprehensive Scheme and MWA2a of BEAM Plus Existing Buildings building-related projects and organisations for their outstanding performance and V2.0 Selective Scheme contributions to sustainability and the built environment.
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