cover image: VIRTUAL STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATIONS     - Prepared for CAHS by Audrey Wubbenhorst



20 Apr 2022

Diagnosis, Supports and Services Federal Leadership Participant expressed a desire for greater federal leadership: ● To coordinate services and to share information and innovative ideas across provinces and territories ● To reduce long wait times for services across provinces and territories ● To support research initiatives that focus on the translation of knowledge into practice Education and Tr. [...] Social Inclusion Access to Services ● Recognition that newcomers are new to the entire health and social system ● Need specific support in navigating the system and to access programs and services as they have limited experience ● Recognition that the aforementioned challenges create an additional burden and can be time- consuming for families Acceptance ● Continue to destigmatize autism ● Broad p. [...] The few Autistic characters that do exist represent only a narrow view of autism ● The presence of Autistic people in media needs to be normalized and characters developed with input from Autistic people to ensure that Autistic representation is accurate and appropriate Self-Advocacy Some Autistic participants felt that the term self-advocates (instead of just advocates) has been used by non-autis. [...] Summary of Feedback on Approaches Removing Barriers to Mental Health Services Participants reiterated the importance of this approach and the need for an increase in both the quantity and quality of mental health support available to Autistic people. [...] Summary of Feedback on Approaches Autism Education and Training for Professionals Participants cited the importance of autism education with the following considerations: ● Ensuring it is developed with Autistic input and their ongoing involvement ● Adopting a cultural, intersectionality, and neurodiversity lens to recognize the varying experiences of Autistic people ● Training needs to be iterati.


Audrey Wubbenhorst

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