cover image: Japan’s Democracy: Lessons and Reflections  日本の民主主義の再評価


Japan’s Democracy: Lessons and Reflections 日本の民主主義の再評価

4 May 2022

This is impossible if we do not have the ute to democracy is not the work of enterprise-style same or even better understanding of the data and organizations? Is my understanding correct? the issues on the ground as the bureaucrats, so the standard of competency expected of personnel at Takenaka: How do you view civil society, Professor civic groups is extremely high. [...] Civil so- Journalism, too, is in many ways a professional job, ciety is based on a premise of many people volun- but with the spread of the internet and the fact that tarily working together in solidarity, but of course now anyone can disseminate information, the lines there will be disagreements in communication of the profession have been blurred. [...] However, NPOs late in the middle of the first decade of the as an ideal, even if there are people in an organization 2000s; a look at the decade following that shows dealing with money issues, there is a firewall sepa- another trend, namely the competition with start- rating the organization from market principles and ups for the acquisition of talent. [...] The proportion of women in the Diet is not rising, but what about the ratio of women at the University of Tokyo? When I was there, of the 660 undergraduate students in the University of Tokyo Faculty of Law, only 60 were women. [...] Takenaka: Professor Kage, what can we do to Takenaka: And is that impacting the ratio of change this situation? women at the University of Tokyo and in the National Diet as well? Kage: I personally feel that the issue of the propor- tion of women at the University of Tokyo standing Hayashi: Indirectly, yes.
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