cover image: Passive House as Energy Code in the Midwest - Alison Lindburg, MEEA

Passive House as Energy Code in the Midwest - Alison Lindburg, MEEA

29 Sep 2020

Development and Adoption of Energy Codes Energy Code Development In the United States, the most-adopted residential model energy code is the International Code Council’s (ICC) International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). [...] In order for other cities to have this option, the CDB would need to adopt PHIUS+ as a step code for the state’s baseline code, the state would need a legislative directive to allow adoption of a residential stretch code (or code stronger than the state energy code), or the state would need to develop PHIUS+ as an optional Appendix Chapter to the Illinois State Code to be voluntarily adopted by ju. [...] The CDB has signaled interest in improving the envelope air tightness to the model code level in the next adoption cycle.8 Stepping the IECC to PHIUS+ by 2030 Table 1 below outlines a possible prescriptive pathway of the main energy code components of the residential energy code to reach PHIUS+ standards by the year 2030. [...] 11 Resources/TechCorner/Makeup%20Air%20Requirements%20for%20Direct%20Kitchen%20Hood%20Exhaust%20.pdf 12 13 According to the Census Bureau, the median sale price per square foot of new single-family homes in 2017 was $148.45 in the Northeast, $126.43 in the West, $95.35 in the South and $104.15 in the Mid. [...] If the state of Illinois were to follow the stepped approach to PHIUS+ by 2030 for residential energy code adoption, the savings would be much greater than if the state continued to adopt and amend the IECC.

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