cover image: Occasional Publication 108 - A DIALOGUE OF RIVERS


Occasional Publication 108 - A DIALOGUE OF RIVERS

5 May 2022

Here is a man who’s trying to make us remember that that is what man is─that he is not the centre of the universe, and not in the centre of the canvas. [...] I don’t know how many of you have actually gone underwater to see that there is a world beneath the river just like there is a world beneath the sea, the world beneath the sea is far more colourful, perhaps than the one below the river but below the river, there is a different, absolutely incredibly beautiful planet that exists, that does not care about what’s happening to, for example, the Citize. [...] The fact that the environment, for lack of a better word, is not on the agenda of most of these political parties; I heard that it was in the manifesto of the Congress Party, but almost like the way mutual fund risks are narrated on television or on radio FM. [...] Tripathaga─is it is flowing in three spheres? So one is the heaven, the earth and the Paatal, but actually it’s the atmospheric river, the surface water and the groundwater, and that is a cycle which goes on. [...] What you said is the most famous Sangam, one of the most famous Sangams is the confluence of the Blue Nile and the White Nile at Khartoum, and it’s not for nothing that it is called the longest kiss on the earth, where the blue and white flow very hesitantly.
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