cover image: Looking Back: The long term impacts of water and sanitation projects


Looking Back: The long term impacts of water and sanitation projects

1 Jun 2001

PAGE 5 WaterAid/Caroline Penn LOOKING BACK: THE LONG-TERM IMPACTS OF WATER AND SANITATION PROJECTS sense and meaning to the concept of impact in itself revealed the key ways in which water than the “number of latrines built” or and sanitation projects had affected and “percentage served by hand-dug wells” can changed their daily lives. [...] In clearly in the results of the focus group the Belale elementary school, girls constitute discussion in the control community of only 15% of students and many of the Rimecha Michiko (Ethiopia). [...] This was specifically recorded in Mpraeso Amanfrom (Ghana) where the head teacher said; “Teachers posted to teach at the community primary school do not hesitate to come.” The quality of instruction also improved and this was attributed to the increase in the number of lessons taught per day and the time that teachers have available to devote to the curricula. [...] majority of the community, it was evident that neither the water committee nor village A number of issues of sustainability were government understood the roles and raised in the course of the study. [...] Across allreached in relation to each of the five communities, the women and children werehypotheses which directed the typically the groups who were most activities of the study teams.
case studies,community management,community participation,education,ethiopia,gen


Eric Gutierrez et al

Published in