cover image: Wage payment systems : Surveys: France.


Wage payment systems : Surveys: France.

1 Aug 1996

EURF Seminar on the spread and characteristics of wage payment systems Held in Dublin on 2 and 3 July I98I Evaluation report of the Employers' Group 1. Introduction The employers congratulate the Foundation on the successful completion of the f i r s t phase of the research project on the "consequences of different methods of f ixing wages according to r e s u l t s (wage per hour, piece—work, e t [...] The governments of the ten member s t a t e s were represented, with the exception of the Federal Republic, Greece and I t a l y. The group carr ied out i t s task in two s tages : 1 ) Evaluation of the nat ional repor ts As 'each representa t ive had received only the report for his respect ive country, the evaluations contained in the Annex re f lec t sole ly the point of view of the government [...] Whereas the descript ion could be more or less exhaustive in the case of a very small country, a represen t a t ive sample of the various wage payment systems should have been chosen in respect of the large countr ies , since i t was more important to describe the d ive r s i ty of the wage payment systems than to explore a l l the branches of the economy. [...] On the other hand, s t a t i s t i c a l material should have been gathered for a l l the branches, and t h i s could have been done i f use had been made of the r e s u l t s of the Community survey of the s t ruc ture and spread of s a l a r i e s (1978). [...] Turning to Chapter 3 t the Group f e l t tha t the Foundation should contact the Community S t a t i s t i c a l Office in order to obtain as quickly as possible the r e s u l t s of the survey of the s t ruc ture and spread of s a l a r i e s in 1978, insofar as they are relevant to t h i s study.
france sampling report type of business pay remuneration of work piece work pay


EU body or agency, Eurofound

Catalogue Number
Publications Office of the European Union
Published in
© European Union


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