cover image: GLOBSEC Tatra Summit Insight Report 2021 - Harnessing Disruption to Address


GLOBSEC Tatra Summit Insight Report 2021 - Harnessing Disruption to Address

9 May 2022

The 2021 edition of The Tatra Summit Insight Report The index value 63.9 is interpreted as being almost at a continues to cater to the quest for a bold, strategic 2/3rd point between the worst and the best performer in economic transformation. [...] This time, The 2021 vintage of the GLOBSEC CEE Strategic the pandemic is part of a triple-threat, combined with Transformation Index is a testament to this and based on 47 the pressing need to tackle climate change and meet individual data series under-scores the region’s structural the fourth industrial revolution upon us. [...] on the double challenge emanating from environmental While Europe retains some advantages in fields such as degradation on the one hand, and on the need to keep up mobility and green technology, in many areas including the pace with technological advances on the other – to AI, e-commerce, internet of things, and computing, the EU invest in change and push forward a previously unpalatable is barely. [...] At 0.08% of GDP, private equity investment in Austria is low, well As the only country in CEE9 with manufacturing 53 below the EU average of 0.5%, as well as European leaders value-added lower than the EU average , the more such as the Netherlands and Sweden where PE is over services-dominated Croatia is one of the greenest in 0.8% of GDP45. [...] The remit of the agency is to: “carr[y] out such as Nexo, Gtmhub, Dronamics, and Telerik, and in 2019 the tasks related to the competitiveness of the Croatian over €20 million was invested in Sofia-based start-ups48.
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